> 春节2024 > 女孩过年喜欢干嘛英语





在新年里,我喜欢和家人一起享受美食、制作手工艺品,还喜欢参加庆祝活动。英语表达可为:During New Year, I like to indulge in delicious food, engage in crafting activities, and participate in festive celebrations.


<p当春节临近时,家人会忙于准备工作,如打扫卫生、做安排,还有备餐等。这些准备是为了在春节期间营造幸福喜庆的氛围。英语表达可为:As Chinese New Year approaches, families will be engaged in preparations, such as cleaning, making arrangements, and cooking. These preparations are aimed at creating a joyful and festive atmosphere during the Spring Festival.


我喜欢春节。用英语可以表达为:I enjoy the Spring Festival.

Spring Festival是什么意思

Spring Festival是中国传统节日——春节的意思。用作名词时,注意首字母需大写,并在其前面加上定冠词“the”。补充资料:春节是中国最重要、最盛大的传统节日,是家人团聚、享用美食、互赠红包以及举行各种庆祝活动的时间。




我喜欢春节,不仅仅因为春节有许多美味的食物,更因为这是与亲朋好友团聚的时刻,是表达关爱和祝福的机会。英语表达可以为:I like the Spring Festival Chinese New Year not only because there are many delicious food, but also because it\'s a time for family and friends to come together and express love and blessings.


1. Because I can savor the delightful flavors of traditional Chinese dishes, such as dumplings and spring rolls, during the Spring Festival.

2. Because I can reunite with my loved ones, create precious memories, and strengthen family bonds during this festive season.

3. Because I can experience the vibrant cultural activities, colorful decorations, and traditional performances that make the Spring Festival so lively and enchanting.

4. Because I can receive lucky money (red packets) which symbolize good luck and blessings for the upcoming year.

5. Because I can take part in and witness the centuries-old customs and traditions that have been passed down through generations, making the Spring Festival a truly unique and cherished celebration.


在春节期间,我们一般使用介词“during”,例如《durin... The Spring Festival is drawing near》(春节快到了)。商店在春节前都非常忙碌。英语表达可以为:During the Spring Festival, the shops are bustling with activity.


在春节假期期间,我们会参观花市,准备红包并进行拜年。英语表达可以为:During the Spring Festival holiday, we will visit the Flower Market, prepare red packets, and pay New Year greetings to relatives and friends.


1. 我们常在春节大吃特吃,品尝各种美食,如团圆饭和传统的汤圆。

2. 我们会收到亲朋好友的红包,这象征着好运和祝福。

3. 我们会与亲友相聚,互道新春祝福,并一起欢度这个特殊的节日。