> 春节2024 > 过年了想买台电脑说说








1. I am determined to achieve better grades in the upcoming year. My plan is to focus on my studies, review my lessons diligently, and seek help from my teachers whenever necessary. By harnessing my potential in each subject, I am confident that I can excel academically in the coming year.

2. My New Year\'s resolution is to become a more confident public speaker. To achieve this, I will join a public speaking club, practice regularly in front of a mirror, and seek constructive feedback from others. With consistent effort and dedication, I believe I can overcome my stage fright and deliver impactful speeches.

3. In the new year, I aim to lead a healthier lifestyle. This includes incorporating regular exercise into my routine, eating a balanced diet, and practicing mindfulness. By prioritizing my well-being and making mindful choices, I am confident that I can achieve a healthier and happier life.